Friday, April 20, 2012

Benefits of Having a Company/Business Blog

Your company has a website, possibly a Facebook page and maybe even a Twitter account. With all these resources, should your company or business be blogging?

The short answer? Yes.

But, with every other resource your company is using, why should you add blogging to your marketing repertoire? There are several great reasons, but here are three of the best:

Blogging is Great for SEO
When it comes to SEO, few things are as important as well-written, fresh content. If your company is having problems coming up with website updates, a blog can fill this void in a great, timely manner.

Blogging is Great for Sharing
We've all been there: trying to figure out what to share on Facebook, Twitter and other social networks. If sharing material is becoming tedious because you find yourself running out of things to say, then a blog is a great way to come up with content to share with your audience.

Blogging is Great for Promotion
If you want your company or business to expand, then a blog is a great way to promote products and services.

Does your company blog? Why or why not? Let us know on the Facebook page, @WebDrafter, on Google+ or with a comment. 

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